Everyday care for hair!
Most people have an almost perfect hair care routine but still have weaves looking like they took a stroll close to a furnace.
My hair care guide is simple and easy as articles with extremely long/stressful routines are not for me seeing that I wake up few minutes to when I am to dash out.
First off, you have to buy a good grade hair. I always buy a 10A grade hair cos the 8A grade floating around are always lower grades upgraded for cheap prices in a bid to have more customers-Vaneezy's hair (08039287239) hooks me up just right.
Next step is the shine and moisture of your weave. Hair serum and hair conditioner is the best for this and here's a lil tip-always spray your hair with water mixed with conditioner in a spray bottle before applying your serum to avoid that 'wet-rat-like' look some weaves have. A lil of both (serum and conditioner) is what is required.
Lastly, a comb will only detangle ur hair. A good paddle brush is best for that smooth sleek look and a denman brush works best on curly hair as this helps define the curls best.
Smooth your edges with an edge control that works your edges and hairline for that real photoshoot look😁.
I hope these tips work for your hair as they have done mine. xxxxx
Ps: I deep condition my hair every other week with hair mayonnaise and steam them when I take them out before storing.
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